Sundquist Nursery is known for extraordinary new selections and proven favorites, often with a low fuss factor. We offer the largest selections of ferns, epimediums, hostas, and shade garden companions in the Northwest, as well as a broad range of perennials for brighter locations, plus select ornamental grasses and woody plants. We often offer exceptional plants in good numbers that other nurseries wish they had at all.
Sundquist Nursery is the outgrowth of Nils Sundquist's lifetime love of plants and gardening. Nils wants you to have the greatest success for your effort, and to achieve practical beauty and performance in your garden - whether it's a prized estate, a commercial or highway buffer, a carefree country garden, or a beloved sanctuary in the city.
Sundquist Nursery is primarily a wholesale nursery. We're open to the public only on designated Open Garden dates, or to organized groups by appointment. We offer numerous plants that are both beautiful and perform well without coddling. Our display gardens provide a four-season show, and are a proving ground for many varieties.
All images and text on this site subject to copyright laws - Sundquist Nursery, Inc. 2005 - present.